
Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Ynyswen

Cenedl heb iaith, cenedl heb galon



Y Tîm Rheoli / Senior Management Team


Pennaeth / Headteacher:                                                         Miss Cerian Lowri Roberts


Dirprwy / Deputy:                                                                                Miss Bethan Ford


Arweinydd Cyfnod Sylfaen / Foundation Phase Leader:                 Mrs Siân Theobald


Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ALNCo) /

Additional Learning Needs Coordinator (ALNCo)                            Mrs Rhiannon Richards



Arweinydd Llythrennedd a Chwricwlwm Cymreig /                        Mrs Leanne Giles

Literacy and Welsh Curriculum Leader




Athrawon Cyfnod Allweddol 2 / Key Stage 2 Teachers:


Miss Bethan Ford

Miss Nia John

Mrs Rhiannon Richards / Mrs Delyth Brown

Mrs Siân Lewis

Mrs Louise Murray


Athrawon Cyfnod Sylfaen / Foundation Phase Teachers:


Mrs Leanne Giles

Miss Sophie Morris / Miss Mollie Vye

Mrs Siân Theobald

Miss Megan Smith



Cynorthwywyr / Support Staff:

Mrs Christine Pope (Arwain y dosbarth Meithrin / Leader of the Nursery class)

Mrs Shona Evans

Miss Sophie Morris

Mrs Abby Ashton

Miss Danielle Bees

Mrs Emma Roderick  (CPA / PPA)

Miss Rhianydd Dutfield (CA2 / KS2)

Mrs Debbie Evans (ELSA & CPA / PPA)

Mrs Janette Phillips  (Cymorth Iaith / Language Support)

Miss Gemma Wilson

Mrs Nicola Richards  (Behaviour Support / Cymorth Ymddygiad)

Miss Emily Evans

Miss Kathryn Jones

Miss Dexy Butler


Ysgrifenyddes / Secretary:

Mrs Kathryn Oliver

Gofalwr / Caretaker:

Mr Stephen Hughes


Cynorthwywyr 1:1 Assistants:

Mrs Jodie Wong

Miss Jessica Coburn

Mrs Melanie Meades

Mrs Samantha Emanuel
